Saturday, August 25, 2007

I need a clever title

Having covered every year except pre-1930, these are the six films that Irini, Vicky, and I agree are the Best Motion Pictures of their respected years.

Rebecca (1940)

Casablanca (1942)

The Third Man (1949)

Rear Window (1954)

Vertigo (1958)

Annie Hall (1977)

If you disagree with any of the above choices, chances are you're probably wrong.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

2007: The films that matter

Irini's top 11?? most anticipated
1. my blueberry nights
1. sleuth
3. funny games
4. cassandra's dream
5. lars and the real girl
6. sweeney todd
7. i'm not there
8. lust, caution
9. silk
10. mister lonely
11. the darjeeling limited

1. my blueberry nights
2. lust, caution
3. summer palace
4. the darjeeling limited
5. la voyage du ballon rouge
6. i'm not there
7. the age of tattoo
8. cassandra's dream

And if I like you enough, I might add your list on here

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Top 10 Films About Urban Alienation

Being that my current mood starves for this theme... and the fact that it reflects my own feelings at this current moment:

1. L'Avventura

- About the confusion and misguided lives of a group of elite upper class individuals weary of their life of materialism and easy-living. Monica Vitti's expression tell all.

2. La Dolce Vita

- About a newspaper reporter directionless about his place in life. He roams the Rome nightlife in consistent pursuit of pleasure, meanwhile pushing away his future, his life, and all the world's knowledge around him. The last scenes are a moment of "self-discovery" for him.

3. 2046

- WKW's fairy-tale ode of unrequited love and romance idealizes the textbook common man. In his writings, marked by deep personal feelings reflecting his own life, he remarks about the stories of past romances and unrequited love affairs. And yet.... his life is an escapable conundrum of loneliness and search for love and peace, one of which he never finds.

4. Miami Vice

5. Heat

6. 8 1/2

7. Lost in Translation

8. Millenium Mambo

9. The World

10. In the Mood For Love

Friday, August 10, 2007

Give me someone to argue with

I'm tired of the lack of excitement of anything online

Friday, August 03, 2007

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Summer sucks...

Solitude and tranquility > physical and temporal excitement.

Going to the theaters every Friday night during Oscar season? Metroing across the quiet outskirts of San Antonio? Getting your first apartment? Better than life itself.

Season of art > Season of rollercoaster parks and beaching.

Fall is art. Summer is for physical activities and extra computer time. It's the proscrastination of life, substituing thinking and doing for utter laziness. Does anyone actually take vacations anymore?

Season of beginnings > Season of waiting.

Everything begins in the fall. If anything, summer stops everything.

Season of expectations > Season for stomaching disappointment.

Yeah, it was a disaster semester last year, the summer didn't really help, although it did put off school and I admittedly was too discouraged to not hope to put off school as long as I can, but hell if that helped. One good thing to come out of this summer is the new 6 week interning job, even at the expense of taking summer classes. (but fuck your average idealistic collegiate attitude)

Living alone > living at home + dorms

So, dorm life? Yeah, I got what its like. Fuck dorms. Oh and screw living at home.

2 and a half more weeks, and I am out of here. I'm over last semester. I'm ready to move on.