Saturday, September 27, 2008

Favorite Musicians Redux (A Top 40)

Miles Davis (1944 - 1991)

Harry Nilsson (1958 - 1994)

Bob Dylan (1959 - present)

The Beatles (1960 - 1970)

The Rolling Stones (1962 - present)

The Mamas & the Papas (1965 – 1968, 1971 – 1972)

Black Sabbath (1968 - present)

Supertramp (1969 - 1988, 1997 – present)

Queen (1970 - present)

Television (1973 - 1978, 1992 - 1993, 2001 - present)

Kate Bush (1975 - present)

Sonic Youth (1981 - present)

The Smiths (1982 - 1987)

My Bloody Valentine (1984 - 1997, 2007 - present)

Nirvana (1987 - 1994)

Neutral Milk Hotel (1993 - 1998)

Slowdive (1989 - 1995)

Tori Amos (1990 - present)

The Cranberries (1990 - 2003)

Dave Matthews Band (1991 - present)

Aqua (1994 - 2001, 2007 - present)

Ivy (1994 - present)

Cat Power (1995 - present)

Mogwai (1995 - present)

Fiona Apple (1996 - present)

Nightwish (1996 - present)

Sophie Ellis Bextor (1997 - present)

Doves (1998 - present)

The Brunettes (1998 - present)

Electrelane (1998 - 2007)

Ladytron (1999 - present)

Broken Social Scene (1999 - present)

Goldfrapp (1999 - present)

The Sounds (1999 - present)

The Knife (1999 - present)

M83 (2001 - present)

Regina Spektor (2001 - present)

Sally Shapiro (2006 - present)

Vampire Weekend (2006 - present)

A Fine Frenzy (2006 - present)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Top 10 Most Anticipated of 2008

Sept 18, 2008 (list was in progress months ago)

1. The Dark Knight (seen) I didn't think it was up to potential. I wasn't expecting anything great, just good enough where I'd feel it would bring back comic book nostalgia. It didn't really do that either. Instead, now it's just overexposed and many people are liking it for the wrong reasons.

2. Rachel Getting Married I'm indifferent to Jonathan Demme. But his direction probably won't be what most people are seeing this for, and the star of the show, and probably the most overpredicted Best Actress nominee, is a talent in waiting. It feels like the Lust, Caution of 2007, hardly implying anything similar in the content of the films.

3. The Wrestler What you have is the waxed and polished example of "my type of movie." I don't know much about it since I try to avoid knowing as much as I can about a movie before seeing it, but as what i could easily guess, an "emotional drama" of a "broken man," and.... with one of my favorite actors, as of now this is not only one of my most anticipated, but also the film I predict will be my favorite of the year. Aronofsky impressed me in '06 until about a year ago (I don't much care for The Fountain anymore), but I sincerely believe him to be on the mature route, hopefully getting used to using as little "technique" as possible. Also, Marisa Tomei as a stripper? Sounds exciting, I really think she can knock this movie dead, I get a Shelley Winters type performance in mind.

4. Ponyo on the Cliff Director appreciation, firstly. I don't think it'll be a masterpiece, but it channels late 80s and early 90s Kurosawa. This looks like one of the most optimistic movies ever, like the cinematic swan song of a director in the late periods of his life discovering the carefree aspect of making movies. Although his cinema might last for years after, "experimentation" (Castle of Cagliostro) or "ambition" (Princess Mononoke) is something, proudly, that we probably will never see again from the director.

5. Vicky Cristina Barcelona (seen) I would say, this about met my expectations. Maybe even exceeded it, taking into account Scoop and Cassandra's Dream. However, it doesn't seem like top 5 material for the end of the year, in good years, not even top 10. Still, enjoyable to watch once, which is about what people should expect.

6. The Edge of Love A year later, and I still like Sienna Miller. What I should expect? Something entertaining to watch, at least.

7. Palermo Shooting Again, director appreciation. But, this also looks like Wenders' most interesting film in over a decade. But then again, it can easily just be a forgettable experience to most people. I wouldn't be surprised if no one will care for it.

8. Synecdoche, New York Surprisingly, not as many people are into this as I thought a Charlie Kaufman movie. I think it might be the "I'm Not There" or "Darjeeling Limited" of last year, I don't think I'll personally care for it, but for a single reason or two reasons, I am going to see it. Although I wonder what magic JJL and Emily Watson and an indifferent subject matter can do for me.

9. Le Voyage du ballon rouge This is just a leftover from what I was going to watch last year. (release date kept it up) Can't say I'm excited, but it's Hou, I'll gladly sit down and watch any one of his movies.

10. The Age of Tattoo Again, verbatim, and for the very same reason, although I do think this has cinematic potential.