Sunday, November 26, 2006

Going back to school tomorrow

Thanksgiving break is over, partially glad in a way. Finals are coming up, my grades are already too high to be impacted by finals, with the exception of one class. I'm not going back to be stressful, so I'm kind of eager to get back to my films. One week of classes, one week of exams with plenty of in between time, and four relatively blow off exams.

I'm excited over Christmas break since I know I'll be overspending theater tickets and the post season football is guaranteed to be fun. I had such a good first semester.


golden_hawk said...

Hmm, you're not very good at this. You gotta colour your writing, develop more of a personal style. Just typing 'stuff' won't do if you wanna maintain the interest of your visitor.

FREAK said...

It's a short paragraph, no colorfulness needed. I'm too lazy to learn how to use colorful fonts anyways. I'll never be as good as undy anyways, so why bother.

golden_hawk said...

Lol. I didn't mean it literally, the colour thing. Anyway, yeah. Undy's a natural born blogger. Aw.

Anonymous said...

Very good blog, as I said! I agree with Hawk, though.

golden_hawk said...

what i dont get is... if she hates psuedo and the way they talk, she would hate me more than you, right? because i talk more psuedo than you do...

FREAK said...

I understand you're a bit uncomfortable about your homosexuality, but try not to display it too often.

Anonymous said...

You told me to drop you a message and I did. No need to get defensive. Yes, I'm homosexual and I'm very proud of it.

golden_hawk said...

Yeah, he's right, Freak, that wasn't necessary.

FREAK said...

Just so everyone knows, I was speaking nasty to golden_hawk, the other person I ever speak nasty to.

golden_hawk said...

Just so everyone knows, that was me impersonating an IMDb user and Freak totally fell for it. He even sent him a PM apologising! Lol!

FREAK said...

you need a life.

Not another word needs to be added.

golden_hawk said...

Ohh, cutting.

Yes, because it took me ages to come up with this.

Anonymous said...

Dude...and my dude I mean moviefreak...why are you so mean to people? I mean, on IMDb you give people endless shit, and here, you make catty little comments like "failed attempt at cleverness" and stuff like that. Why? Are you that unhappy? If you like movies, great. Good for you. But you can leave the attitude at home and not bring it to the internet. Honestly, I'm getting angry reading the things you write.

Also, how can you say that you hated 'Little Children' and 'The Queen' (both excellent movies, and your complaints about the former were just you trying to sound smart) but you loved 'Snakes on a Plane' and 'Basic Instinct 2'? Those were awful movies. And maybe the reason you aren't meeting interesting people is because those people don't wanna meet you.