Monday, December 25, 2006

I have chosen my career

Patroleum Engineering!

Now what is that exactly? I have no idea. But it's a study in the field of chemical engineering, where you work almost entirely with oil. I'm not sure how long it takes to finish study in this area, but it is a highly stressful and laborous job (or so I've heard), and sometimes are done in the sun or under not-so-preferential weather conditions. The first few years of this job will not allow you anywhere near home for very long. The job includes travelling to many many different locations, almost surely the middle east since that's where all the oil is. That could be a plus for people who don't get homesick or for people who are antsy and can't stay at one place for a long time. It could be a negative for people who like to settle down with a family and or for people who like to make sure their girlfriends aren't banging any other man. But I don't plan on settling down that fast. I consider myself a very antsy person since I plan to take classes this summer (since I hate staying home doing nothing during the summer), will study abroad the latter semester of 07, and I plan to graduate out of college as soon as I can.

So what's the catch? UTexas's patroleum engineering school is the #1 rated school of its field in the entire United States. It's almost murder to get in. I have a good GPA, but that alone might not suffice and I doubt I'll get in initially. Maybe the semester afterwards. But what's the good part about this job other than the travelling? The cash! 120,000 on average, with around 70,000-90,000 for starters.


golden_hawk said...

The Queen. *laughs*

The metaphor of the deer is the dumbest thing I've seen all year. And I've seen Lady in the Water.

FREAK said...

no shit.

FREAK said...

I take it you have nothing to say on my future as a rich man?

golden_hawk said...

I say Mexico is way the hell down there, and you're in here, and that's the way it is.

FREAK said...

Where the hell are you these days?

golden_hawk said...

Having fun with my brand new lego set and playing with my new Action Man Power Arm Ninja.

FREAK said...

Did TBP write a review of Miami Vice? I'm trying to understand it. A lot of it still strike me as confusing.

golden_hawk said...

He didn't, no. And we've hardly spoken about the film. Why don't you go ask Shep instead? (and yes, it's v. difficult to take in)

Anonymous said...

My brother is a chem eng, and it's all true. DO IT. Don't forget us little people when you go galavanting around the country...