Saturday, January 13, 2007


johnny napalm with liberty spikes!! says: (SEN)
tell him (FIST) i saw rocky balboa and it sucked

For your eyes only... says: (ME)

johnny napalm with liberty spikes!! says:

For your eyes only... says:

For your eyes only... says:

For your eyes only... says:
same old same old movie?

johnny napalm with liberty spikes!! says:
hah yeah

For your eyes only... says:
i'm sure he'll find "somethign" good in the film

For your eyes only... says:
something great pardon me

For your eyes only... says:
he'll talk about the subtle mannerisms where isn't none and such

johnny napalm with liberty spikes!! says:
i'm sure he will

johnny napalm with liberty spikes!! says:

For your eyes only... says:

johnny napalm with liberty spikes!! says:
dude sly was so fucking funny

johnny napalm with liberty spikes!! says:
he sucked big time. and i'm a fan of his early works. but here, he totally blew it

For your eyes only... says:

For your eyes only... says:
he's fat too

For your eyes only... says:
pardon the superficiality

johnny napalm with liberty spikes!! says:

johnny napalm with liberty spikes!! says:
and his face is disgusting

For your eyes only... says:

For your eyes only... says:
too much blubber, he looks funny when he crouches

johnny napalm with liberty spikes!! says:
yup yup

johnny napalm with liberty spikes!! says:
blubber is the right word


golden_hawk said...

For your eyes only... says:

Oh? Go conceive a child and leave me alone, then.

FREAK said...



golden_hawk said...

NO. Busy.

golden_hawk said...

"Labels: Humor"

Your definition of humour leaves a lot to be desired, man. I bet you'll like Borat. (still busy)

FREAK said...

Sorry, I'm not into bad jokes - like Babel, the one you claimed to like.

golden_hawk said...

I didn't like/enjoy it, I just sympathise with it. That make sense? Kinda like M$B. Didn't like it; too depressing. But I loved that it won the Oscar.

golden_hawk said...

...even though I liked Sideways more.

FREAK said...

The Children of Men love is getting slightly abundant... slightly, I feel like I have to prove some people wrong.

Sexy write up by Chopin on the Zhang movie. He nailed everything good and wrong about it.

golden_hawk said...

Go ahead and do it. Would be a first. And ah didn't read his post. I can sense spoilers from afar.

golden hawk (idealist intellectual)
MovieFreak One (romantic intellectual)

Innit cool how he nailed us with 2 words each?

FREAK said...

Is it possible that I could bump this blog?

golden_hawk said...

You mean hump? You're already masturbating to it, so I figure that would be the next step.

The Gonch said...

Oh golden_hawk, you so ka-razy.

golden_hawk said...


I haven't.

Sucks not being an American sometimes. : (

The Gonch said...


You. Must. Download. Now.

golden_hawk said...

Can't! I like to see it on TV. Plus mum sees it with me and she doesn't like to see it without subtitles!

golden_hawk said...

I'm a pleasure delayer too, so there ya go. [yes]

Cloak said...

Hawk, you need to see The Adjuster.
Freak, you need to see Woman in the Dunes and All the Real Girls.


FREAK said...

Way ahead of you already, bro.

But All the Real Girls, that sounds like a Factory_Girl movie more than a Freak movie.

golden_hawk said...

Will do! Always wondered why you liked Koteas so much. This might answer it.

Cloak said...

Yup, the title sounds a bit trashy and unappealing, but I truly believe David Gordon Green will appeal to your sensibility.

As for The Adjuster, I think you’ll see just why so many people compare 80’s and early 90’s Egoyan to Lynch, as two of the most progressive filmmakers of their time. Visual style is a lot different though – I think Lynch is a bit more of a showman behind the camera, while Egoyan takes a more philosophical route. A very unknown Maury Chaykin gives a standout performance as ‘Bubba’ too.