Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My Oscar Predictions

I will be supporting The Departed

Best Picture - The Departed

Best Director - Martin Scorsese, The Departed

Best Actor - Forest Whitaker, The Last King of Scotland

Best Actress - Helen Mirren, The Queen

Best Supporting Actor - Eddie Murphy, Dreamgirls

Best Supporting Actress - Jennifer Hudson, Dreamgirls

Best Original Screenplay - Little Miss Sunshine

Best Adapted Screenplay - The Departed

Best Cinematography - Children of Men

Best Editing - The Departed

Best Art Direction - Dreamgirls

Best Costume Design - Marie Antoinette

Best Score - Babel

Best Song - "Listen", Dreamgirls

Best Make-Up - Pan's Labyrinth

Best Sound - Dreamgirls

Best Sound Editing - Letters From Iwo Jima

Best Visual Effects - Pirates of the Caribbean

Best Animated Feature - Happy Feet

Best Foreign Film - Pan's Labyrinth

Best Documentary Feature - An Inconvenient Truth


golden_hawk said...

You're awesome.

The Gonch said...

The Depahted all the way! Everything else sucks

Can't believe The Fountain wasn't nominated for score or visual effects. I mean, seriously. Right golden_hawk?

golden_hawk said...

I haven't even seen The Fountain, SenileFelines!

FREAK said...


golden_hawk said...

I don't like Cinemaniac or greyphoenix.

FREAK said...

You're like... undy's lawyer.

golden_hawk said...

Undy's lawyer. Lol.

Why you delete the other one??