Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Revised Decade Lists (90s)


golden_hawk said...

These might be fun to make but are rather pointless to have and to look at. Just a tip.

The Gonch said...

Tony L.

FREAK said...

your mom is pointless to look at.

Cloak said...

True. More worthwhile to touch.

Anonymous said...

I thought you might include Cyclo.

FREAK said...


Movie Title Star Rating MPAA Genre Shipped Est. Arrival

1 Cyclo
UR Foreign 01/10/07 01/11/07

2 Cemetery Man
NR Horror 01/05/07 01/06/07

Get another movie for only $2.00 and we'll send it Thursday. Upgrade to the 3 at-a-time (Unlimited) plan now!

golden_hawk said...


"04. Posto, Il (1961, Ermanno Olmi)"

Yes. Had to acknowledge this!

Cloak said...

Ah yes, good old 'Posto, Il'. It was only a matter of time before I gave it the position it deserved. I'm quite weary of putting stuff at the very top only minutes or hours after watching it. The only time I didn't follow that rule was for PaHR.

Anonymous said...

It's a great pick for top 5, but I think it's so pessimistic that I don't even put it into a 100. It works like a mirror.

Anonymous said...

It's a great pick for top 5, but I think it's so pessimistic that I don't even put it into a 100. It works like a mirror.

FREAK said...

I think I always know when it's actually you or shang.

Anonymous said...

Or when it's you or me.

golden_hawk said...


golden_hawk said...

Naw, this is gay.

golden_hawk said...

What's with the list you put on your profile, Shang? "Top" movies?... as opposed to...?

Anonymous said...

I'm learning to be an unpretentious movie fan. Those are pure gems. Really. You should watch them again if you have seen any.

golden_hawk said...

But the list is like... completely different. So The Conformist is your true favourite film? I've just downloaded it. That's nice.

Unknown said...
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golden_hawk said...

That your real name, Fwee? Wowza.

FREAK said...

Lol. My bros

golden_hawk said...
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FREAK said...

Btw. If you like overratedness, you should watch The Conformist. Now who am I pissing off by that?

golden_hawk said...

The F were you doing on your brother's account?

FREAK said...

Accidentally bo.

And I just deleted one of your comments on purpose. I'm mean, yep.

golden_hawk said...

Stop deleting my posts or I'll tell people your real name.

FREAK said...

Ouch. I'm hurt. Too bad it isn't. And it's on here, people can kinda see.

golden_hawk said...

I see, Thomas.

FREAK said...

Why would I be on another account bo? and without a profile? This isn't an email addy, you don't need two accounts.

blogger is directly linked with google and my bro has a google account. Duh. And TBP's name is Thomas, not mine.

golden_hawk said...

Thomas, Thomas, Thomas.

FREAK said...

Keep on amusing yourself, whatever you say it's not true anyways so.

golden_hawk said...

Ok, your persistence has convinced me.

Anonymous said...

No, I need fresh air. Either light-hearted or sensual stuff. It's boring to list a philosophical movie that bores everyone you know. Anyway, what just happened? You guys look confusing.

golden_hawk said...

I found out Freak's name is Thomas.

golden_hawk said...

So The Comformist is not your favourite film but it's on top of your favourite movies list because it's boring to list a philosophical movie that bores everyone you know. Fair enough!

golden_hawk said...


Anonymous said...

Nice name. But it doesn't remind me of him.

Anonymous said...

The Comformist is cool but I don't rate it a 10.

golden_hawk said...

It'll take a while gettin used to it, but ya know.

golden_hawk said...

So you don't even rate it a 10 but it's on top of your favourite movies list because it's boring to list a philosophical movie that bores everyone you know. Fair enough.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, now I'm deserving unpretentious because I list a movie that I don't rate 10 instead of a philosophical movie that bores everyone I know.

golden_hawk said...

Are you actually acknowledging the distinction between objective and subjective criticism or are you just not making any sense?

Anonymous said...

I don't know. I thought subjective criticism was a display of personality or personal sentimentality. The greatest films are always Gone with the Wind, Citizen Kane, Star Wars, Titanic, etc. But of course, there's so much fun and learning in criticising films. Like someone said, it's a matter of taste after all. TSPDT's list is eclectic and interesting, but that's it. Btw though, my new list doesn't make any sense.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I was wrong on Little Children. 5/10 probably.