Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Revised Top 10 of the Decade (2000s)


massromanticrights said...


FREAK said...

Sorry I didn't include Million Dollar Baby.

Oh btw. None of us are MV fanboys in the same vein as Tarantino fanboyism.

massromanticrights said...

>_______________> Sideways, not MDB, is the best movie of 2004. Fat girl.

massromanticrights said...

Go get the soundtrack to My Little Ignrant Interpretation of Marie Antionette. It's srsly amazing.

golden_hawk said...

The allegory was heavy-handed. The direction is signposted. The allegory was heavy-handed. The direction is signposted. The allegory was heavy-handed. The direction is signposted. The allegory was heavy-handed. The direction is signposted. The allegory was heavy-handed. The direction is signposted. The allegory was heavy-handed. The direction is signposted. Just shut up already, man.

golden_hawk said...
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golden_hawk said...
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golden_hawk said...

Felt like it.

massromanticrights said...

Confused is me.

Dan Aka said...

"Oh btw. None of us are MV fanboys in the same vein as Tarantino fanboyism."

That's the opinion of an MV fanboy, thereby cannot be taken seriously. Dummy :]


Dan Aka said...

Afraid to answer, are ya?

FREAK said...

I already responded to that, but talking to two separate articles is kinda annoying.