Sunday, January 07, 2007

YMDB is so outtahere

Blogger is the new thing.


The Gonch said...

ymdb was never "the thing" to begin with. that place sucked.

"great list, comment on mine!" etc. And this when I had only 2 movies on my top 20.

FREAK said...

Well, we did all sort of flock there about a year ago. Now we're all spamming blogger. It does suck though, there's only your favorite movies to comment on, blog you can comment on anything.

golden_hawk said...

No knocking ymdb, senna. Good times.

Cloak said...

Yes, YMDb was the shit. Poor interface for messaging, but some incredible characters on there. How else do you think I got so 'pretentious'? Long live SIP!

FREAK said...

I thought, film general?

Cloak said...

Nay. FG and Buzz are my sources for banter, though the YMDb snob crew was responsible for molding me into the filmgoer I now am.