Thursday, February 15, 2007

The six phases of Marie

Curiosity of her new home - Insecurity about her abilities - Adjusting into a party atmosphere - Growth into motherhood - Minor marital affair - Leaving her life of glamour and perfection

About nothing????


golden_hawk said...

About something. But so telegraphic in its delivery that I couldnt care less. Kay, now she's curious about her new home. Now she's insecure about her abilities. Now she's... yeah. No sense of flow. Boring as hell.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well stick to two people taking a bath outdoors.

golden_hawk said...

Best Film
1. Miami Vice (Mann)
2. Marie Antoinette (Coppola)
3. The Good Shepherd (De Niro)
4. two people taking a bath outdoors (Reichardt)
5. The Departed (Scorsese)

Other Nods
Best Direction
Best Screenplay
Best Lead Performance
Best Cinematography
Best Editing
Best Sound
Best Music

Anonymous said...

You did say he was going to prefer Old Joy did you?

I win.

golden_hawk said...

I did not. If for nothing else, because I still think Marie is the superior film. 5/10 for Old Joy however is just dumb any way you look at it. Sry. Still love ya, but dumb. Dumb.

Anonymous said...

6/10. Not 5/10.

Libertine said...

"Old Joy"s fodder for liberal arts majors.

Then again, I'm a liberal arts major and I fucking loathe it.

massromanticrights said...

Stupid fucking ignrance.