Thursday, February 01, 2007

Top 10 of the 70s


golden_hawk said...

Which version of Scenes?

shang said...

You're the 3th person I know to put that Bergman in a top list. You rule.

Dan Aka said...

I watched that Bergman when I was in a very vulnerable state. I don't want to talk about it.

golden_hawk said...

I did as well. Had absolutely no effect on me. So I don't really want to talk about it either.

shang said...

Heartless zombie.

golden_hawk said...

Ha. Excellent comeback, Shang.

Cloak said...

Me likes.

However, though I don't really have anything against it, I've never understood your love for Star Wars. I'm not sure if I want to though.

FREAK said...

It's just fun. I don't really want to sound too psuedo-intellectual anyways.

golden_hawk said...

If you have to hide it, it's because you are one.

FREAK said...

Ah, spamming away from having nothing to do again?

golden_hawk said...

Call that spam?

golden_hawk said...


golden_hawk said...


golden_hawk said...


golden_hawk said...


golden_hawk said...


golden_hawk said...

What do you call this?

massromanticrights said...

My sister stole my Annie Hall DVD right before she left to Chicago.

Angry is me.