1. My Blueberry Nights
Wong. Weisz. An adorable female cast. Worth seeing just for the cast, but also to see how Wong handles the film in English and with a new cinematographer. Easily the most anticipated film of next year.
2. Summer Palace
Just the plot line induces orgasms. This is exactly my kind of ideal romantic film backdrop.
3. Arms and the Man
It's Mann. Duh. I doubt it's as ambitious as his previous films, but if it ever gets finished, which is probable, Daniel-Day Lewis and Colin Farrell are both rumored to be in it. I'm game.
4. Balloon Rouge
Not the biggest fan of Binoche, but Hou needs a change of style and cast.
5. Spider Man 3
Was not fond of the sequel, but worth watching for kernels and laughs at least, and Kirsten.
6. Sunshine
Another possible blockbuster with potential to be entertaining. Sci-fi film about a mission to the sun? Exciting.
7. Silk
Worth seeing for Keira naked, or maybe for her period.
8. Sin City 2
I enjoyed the original. I enjoy bombastic and blood-splashing comic-book films, so it's got my ticket.
9. Cassandra's Dream
Another vintage Allen? Probably, but his films are always at least entertaining for a matinee. And Colin Farrell in an Allen film? Interesting.
10. She Ji
Leung doing a performance outside of the lonely wander/star-gazer role? I digs.
“The Man From London” (Bela ‘fucking badass’ Tarr.)
“Zodiac” (I’m no big Fincher fan, but the cast and (especially) the storyline gets me excited. Plus I think Fincher’s visual style will be served well using the ViperCam.)
“Rescue Dawn” (IMDb has this as 2006, but it hasn’t been widely released on the US yet, or anywhere for that matter I don't think. Too bad.)
“Youth Without Youth” (The return of Coppola to something worthwhile? I’ll be interested to find out.)
“Arms and the Man” (Mann.)
“Paranoid Park” (I have a feeling this is going to be underwhelming, but Van Sant has surprised me before.)
But.. but.. it's Christopher Doyle and Gus Van Sant back together again! That's already overwhelming right there!
Cloak. Agreed with The Man From London, Rescue Dawn and Arms and the Man.
Freak. Seriously, My Blueberry Nights looks so good. Summer Palace is already great, as you know. The Hou movie doesn't interest me. But the Mann movie does! Duh.
"My Blueberry Nights" is going to be amazing.
Yes, but it was Psycho that Doyle shot for Van Sant, and Doyle's cinematography is flashy and wild, doesn't really suit a Van Sant does it?
I'm thinking of taking Balloon Rouge down, it doesn't really sound like anything interesting besides the fact that Hou directed it.
I definitely need some more on this list, but.... I have seen like 2 trailers of 2007.
That was Freak btw.
Oh, hey Freak!
On the contrary, the way Doyle handles the camera is perfect for a Van Sant film. His gliding, tracking shots, etc. As for the look, the gritty melancholic atmospheric look of Last Life in the Universe and Invisible Waves would suit Van Sant's Paranoid Park (set in Portland) just fine. His images need to be a little more crisp than the soft, dreamlike images of LLitU and Invisible Waves though. But Doyle has already done that with Infernal Affairs.
Rescue Dawn and Summer Palace shouldn't be counted. Many have seen both already. One thing for sure is that there won't be another Marie Antoinette in 2007.
True that. 2007 looks depressing.
Arms and the Man will not be better than Miami Vice. My Blueberry Nights will not be better than 2046.
And Rescue Dawn won't be better than The White Diamond, and Summer Palace won't be better than Suzhou River. Hou's movie doesn't look like his best at all.
Agreed except for one. Summer Palace will be better than Suzhou River.
Right Sen?
Agreed on Hou though, Balloon Rouge probably won't even come close to Millenium Mambo
You're dumb.
And you have a sexy haircut
Actually, I used to think Suzhou River was better than Summer Palace. But now, I like Summer Palace better.
So I'm sorry shang. You're wrong.
But you do have a sexy haircut!
Suzhou River isn't exactly In the Mood For Love, is it? It's pretty reasonable to think Summer Palace will be better.
True that.
Suzhou River is Wong remaking Vertigo. Btw, thanks to hawk for that post. LOL
I'm sexier than Summer Palace.
People have been saying that (Wong remaking Vertigo) ever since I can remember. It's gotten so old now, and I love it how everybody who's seen Suzhou River says that about the film like it's their own opinion, when they just probably heard it somewhere else.
and LOL at your being sexier than Summer Palace shang! Seriously, you can't beat full frontal male and female nudity. It's just physically impossible.
Lol sen, you have proved that Lou Ye is not a great talent. Which is exactly why I don't expect much from Summer Palace. Suzhou River is a Wong wannabe after all.
And my nude is the best. (joke)
Wong would never shoot something so uninspired. Wong remaking Vertigo? More like, an Asian hack remaking Vertigo. (not to suggest that Lou Ye's a hack)
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