Saturday, February 24, 2007

Two films I'm currently fond of

Due to high strain of me wanting to complete the last five positions in my top 50, I put in two movies that have been growing on me quite a bit. They're two of the most organic films I have ever seen in my life.

Au hasard Balthazar

Paris, Texas


golden_hawk said...

"They're two of the most organic films I have ever seen in my life."

Excellent description. Organic filmmaking rocks. It's everything that Little Children isn't.

FREAK said...

1. Last King of Scotland
2. Little Children
3. Letters from Iwo Jima

I just... can't resist the need to laugh uncontrollably at this. I just can't.

golden_hawk said...

Who's that?

shang said...

Do you become a Bresson fan or just fan of the film? Because you use 'organic', which I don't hear of many people saying.

golden_hawk said...

Sensible observation, Shang.