Thursday, June 21, 2007

New Top 10 Most Anticipated

After a half of year into 2007, I've established that My Blueberry Nights is 2007 for me, and there's no other, none even close.

Anyways, I'm definitely going to pay to go see all ten, but apart from #1, I don't intend to watch the others twice until DVD and probably won't look that hard to find them all in theaters.

After half a year... my top ten most anticipated: (Arms and the Man is no longer in production)

1. My Blueberry Nights
2. Summer Palace
3. Paprika
4. Ratatouille (June 29)
5. Le Ballon Rouge
6. The Age of Tattoo
7. The Darjeeling Limited
8. Sunshine
9. Se Jie
10. Cassandra's Dream

Plan on seeing these before August:
La Mome
Transformers (possibly)

no interest yet in any others.

P.S.: Spidey 3 was "meh"


Dan Aka said...

What about Margot at the Wedding? good list otherwise.

and transformers? hahaha. maybe just for shia : |

Eoghan McQ said...

Sexy list...Sunshine IS amazing. You'll like it ;) And oh my God, La Mome is tremendous...and we all know why.