1. L'Avventura
- About the confusion and misguided lives of a group of elite upper class individuals weary of their life of materialism and easy-living. Monica Vitti's expression tell all.
2. La Dolce Vita
- About a newspaper reporter directionless about his place in life. He roams the Rome nightlife in consistent pursuit of pleasure, meanwhile pushing away his future, his life, and all the world's knowledge around him. The last scenes are a moment of "self-discovery" for him.
3. 2046
- WKW's fairy-tale ode of unrequited love and romance idealizes the textbook common man. In his writings, marked by deep personal feelings reflecting his own life, he remarks about the stories of past romances and unrequited love affairs. And yet.... his life is an escapable conundrum of loneliness and search for love and peace, one of which he never finds.
4. Miami Vice
5. Heat
6. 8 1/2
7. Lost in Translation
8. Millenium Mambo
9. The World
Very good list. I'd add ERASERHEAD, COEURS, and some others I can't think of at the moment.
There isn't any Tsai in here. What? What?
Monica Vitti is beautiful, too.
Long time no visit, good thing I still have this link.
Where is Taxi Driver? I think I remember you liking that one a lot, and the theme of urban alienation is a lot more substantial in it than a few of these others, so I don’t understand the exclusion.
And watch Pickpocket if you haven’t already for Christ’s sake -- now there’s alienation for ya. Balthazar is not pinnacle Bresson, anyway.
Rent some Teshigahara too, he’s on Criterion now you know, and Faces of Another fits in to this theme as well! But the real pot of gold would be Woman in the Dunes -- it will render the likes of Tokyo Story to the realm of a comatose high school stage-play.
Silly boy.
Come on, Freak, you got to conform and get these things! Teenage Ninja Turtles 2...well, what the fuck are you thinking leaving stuff like that off of this list? Oh, and get some Sam Fuller...'The Steel Helmet'. Oh, wait, that has nothing (really) to do with alienation but it will make you look like a being of sexual inclination.
Chicago Cab
Akarui Mirai
Most of WKW's work
Broken Flowers
I suppose Sodebergh and Jarmush belong here too... Night on Earth comes to mind
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