This highly unconventional and controversial list compiled by me and my colleague golden_hawk, whom over the years slowly became my most trusted stooge, haha, no my best friend, is guaranteed to be a list discussed for the ages. It is the result of plentiful scientific research into the minds of the complex personalities of IMDB, as well as our undeniable lack of lives. But whatever the case, it is significant and I hope will be appreciated for the effort put forth into the making of such a list. And whatever assumptions you might have about us being your stalkers, we are not. The fact that you would consider visiting this blog would not make you any less of a stalker yourself. So, you might wonder, how do we measure whom to put on this list and whom not to? I admit it is a painstaking process and required much discussion from me and my colleague, but when it came down to it, it usually includes the users who are the most profolic, most likely to catch our eyes, and ones who have truly made a mark on the IMDB boards of Best and Worst/Oscar Buzz. Granted many worthy users (and we didn't forget you) were skipped over in our meticulous process, but quoting Uncle Scar in the Lion King "Life's not fair, is it?" so without further ado, I present you with our most glorious pieces of work ever. It's truly stark-raving genius!
Rank of 25 important IMDB users in order of most pretentious:
1. dan aka
2. cloak
3. lostinxsdt_breathless
4. scotty_laddie
5. charmeleon
6. sense
7. Rwiggum
8. chopin
9. freak
10. marisa
11. trav
12. sen
13. fuk
14. ally
15. nicolas_libertine
16. fist aka golden_hawk
17. misterp aka RomanticRights
18. sol
19. thedrunkenangel
20. undy aka fishlady aka emma
21. eroticrodja
22. joe_gilis
23. caz
24. inar
25. alex_blancha
signed: freak and golden_hawk
note: The only user not figured out is TBP4 (we're unable to)
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Best. Post. Ever.
What's the three Tarkovsky movies on TBP's top 50?
I'll officially remove my name from this list 'cause you included someone without having the care to consult me. I still like it, though. And I'm not allowed to disclose his objective list! You seen it before? I forgot.
we'll discuss it when you get back from school. Ciao for now.
I already know Stalker + Zerkalo are there.
This post is gold, you guys. Gold! Nice to see RWiggum on there. And same with thedrunkenangel. And yay! I'm above fuk!!
'Nice to see RWiggum on there.'
In your face, Fwee.
Hah. Actually I hate RWiggum and was being sarcastic when I said good to see him on here, hence the following sentence "same with thedrunkenangel".
biker needs to be on here though.
Well, now Jay has explained the meaning behind the list, I love where I'm placed!! Cheers!
Is this why you wanted us to all get blogs?? So we can write random (but somewhat entertaining) stuff like this?? Because that's not gonna happen.
Quick, Sen, backspace that message! How can you hate Ahr Wig'm, he's so cool. Car'l Waffle agrees.
And Car'l, why's your name clickable if you don't have a blog. What's it supposed to link us up to?
Oh and Biker don't qualify cause he's not human to begin with. Besides his taste is as conventional as they come... not pretentious, but not blanchesque either. Just boring. I wouldn't mind going up to thirty though.
And Fwee, put a link to this article on your IMDb profile or I won't tell you what Tea's best Tarkovsky is.
Fine, but you're not linking it up on your blog like you told me you would.
Your account isn't active nor are you on MSN. I'll wait till you become active.
And how come Caz doesn't have a page again?
I thought I would've been higher.
*is pleased.*
Haha, how undeserved cloak is. Why is marisa in top 10?
We would've put you ahead of Drunken and MisterP, but your attitude towards psuedo-intellectuals made you drop a little. Still, a few years ago, you might've been top 10. You probably realize that yourself, Em.
Well, I don't know who you're referring to. but I'm in top 5...did you just pm me?
I was referring to Emma.
No I didn't PM you. Your top 5 status is more or less deserved though. Cloak and you were the closest decision, but he beat you just slightly.
because he has 3 Tarr in top 11?
It's more his attitude and his transformation from non-pretentions to a full-on obscure God.
Tastewise, you're both about equal in terms of knowledge of obscurity. Ask the bird.
"Why is marisa in top 10?"
([ratio of foreign, obscure films in top list] / [intellectual prowess]) = [one's pretence rating]
e.g. my love for Tarkovsky, Antonioni etc and for films no one's heard of should guarantee me a place near the top, but I'm smart, so we agreed that I actually had the intellectual ability to appreciate those films and am not just being "pretentious."
Freak, on the other hand, is up there because he's dumb. You're top three because 101 out of 100 films in your list are pretentious so we don't really care how smart may be.
So why am I up there? I'm not pretentious. And im also rly smrt.
And biker's still not on here. *sad*
To whom it may concern, the rules don't apply to people who are too embarassed to ask others for an advice on how to write a job application letter.
Lol, Sen. People keep telling me I never really know when to stop. They're right. And yeah, you're not really pretentious (you or trav), but you're not as unpretentious as the rest of us, so there you go!
In all fairness, Undy woulda probably been like top five a year and a half ago. And she's not dumb, which goes to show you just how pretentious her taste seemed to be. Uh oh. : O
biker fell off his bike.
And wow, this is like our new hideout.
he's a pedestrian, now, then.
er. lame. yeah, your blog is getting more popular by the minute. keep it up.
Not lame, he's totally a pedestrian now, as is most of his arguments.
LOL. That was lame. Advertise this site bo and good things will come to you. Don't and bad things will.
And steal some of huh visitors away from huh? Can't.
fist is a bit low, no?
i'm a little stupid, no?
Wow, you didn't forget me.
Ally, or you can spell it Ali, whichever is fine.
I miss you, loads.
I go on MSN more often; I totally like basically deserted IMDb ...
oh, and my vocab is going valley girl ...
I'm uh, trying really, really hard to keep my sentences gramatically structured.
Oh, goodness... I still love Lynch (:
give it up, bird.
#2? Oh God, my life’s work has now been fulfilled. Any good to occur in my life from here on out is merely bonus.
So bird, how many people on this list have replied?
you need a life man
How am I higher than you or Shep?
What are you talking about? I'm above you. And Shep isn't on the list.
Mmm . . . far out, I hit the top 20.
Brilliant. Just brilliant.
And if Shep isn't on the list, that means I'm on higher than him.
It's a rank of 25 people, from most pretentious to least pretentious. Not most pretentious 25 users.
We should upgrade this list, bo. And include, like, everyone. Make it 50, at least.
We have more problems than that. Nick finds his #15 status uncomfortable.
As in? Wants to be higher up the list?
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