Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Good/Bad things about this semester (Emma style)

- I feel confident that I'm getting a 4.0 average for the first semester
- I feel like a completely different person
- Enjoying the lifestyle in college
- Discovered some new masterpieces
- I found a new home on Oscar Buzz

-Losing my laptop on my last day on campus
-Texas losing their last two games
-Am not meeting interesting people
-My spirit has not been released yet
-Fucking food on campus is terrible

I shall go home tomorrow.


golden_hawk said...

I'd go out on a limb and say that fucking food mustn't be (to put it mildly) the best experience on or off campus, but again, I'm not the one speaking from experience.

FREAK said...

failed attempt at cleverness

The Gonch said...

i heart school food.

and i'm glad you're lovin' the college life.

golden_hawk said...

Hah. It's too hard to evoke a mental picture of something like that, that's why it doesn't work. If you try a little harder, though, it's hilarious.