About the good/bad things below, I guess the bottom three things for the bad can be erased seeing as they're extraneous, but the top two I hold only minorly to the most damaging thing to my perfection is my unexpected B for a class I rode in all year with an A. Three ways it traumatizes me 1) it's unexpected. It makes you aware that the classes you believe you are doing excellent in could all of a sudden change and your confidence level for next semester drops since you're aware of the possibility of a complete overturn. (that is what happens when you grow overconfident) 2) it kills my perfectionist complex. When you've got an expectation all set, it will kill you when something tells you you're not perfect 3) the knowledge that you could have corrected this.
Starting from this extraordinarily minor grip, I'm diving into the philosophical. I begin to acknowledge that life is a battle of concepts and ideas, you do things to favor your happiness, what you believe to be right; it's a constant effort to seek fulfillment. Materialism can never equate to love, sustenance, or self-satisfaction.
I've watched Armageddon twice in three days, and I totally love the movie, but I can't finish it because I can't stop thinking about this stupid grip and it's late and I feel terrible doing nothing the entire day and uncomfortable that I am still awake. My stupid remote control does not work no matter what batteries I put in and I was set to watch Miami Vice, but the subtitles and special features won't work without the remote, so first thing tomorrow at 3:00 PM (is when I wake up), I shall go buy a new remote control.
Of course, the grade could all just be a computer mistake, but I won't know until I go back to school Jan 15th, but by then I'm already halfway traumautized. I want a vacation already.
Monday, December 18, 2006
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Woohoo, first!
Srsly though, the important thing is that you passed. Doesn't that fulfill you somehow? I've never gotten an A in my life, and it's not because I'm not smart or anything (!), it's because I couldn't care less. Plus, you'll probably work your ass off next semester to avoid something like this happening again. So it'll be alright, just forget about it and focus on your vacation.
And I totally won't get into the whole materialism deal. Because I love materials. A lot. But whatever makes you happy, right?
P.S. You're crazy.
Nah, it's just a grip. I'm so vocal and talkative I would post anything. Probably because I was depressed yesterday.
It wasn't really not working hard or anything, (it was just that I was overconfident). This whole post do not make any sense. I'm in the mood for Waking Life.
Linklater! Yeah, Waking Life would totally suit you right now.
And.. it's nice to be materialistic at times, but without concepts and ideas, everything ceases to function. Movies will have no meaning (because there's no more subtext) and life is a mechanical process.
Oh did I spell gripe wrong?
Yeah, you're right.
And yeah about "grip". I got you though. I'm smart like that.
Brilliant article. Love it how you went from the acknowledgment that materialism won't ever result in self-satisfaction to the humble realisation that you needed to buy a new remote control.
It just seems to drive home the idea that materialism and idealism are two extremes and that there are infinite gradations between them. It makes no sense to stick as obsessively to either pole... just find where you belong and live your life accordingly. Now get out of your chair and go get a new remote. And so it goes...
I have never been this contradicted before. You win, bird.
Can't stand Oscar Buzz. Not counting the old gang there are only like two fine users there... maybe three. The hell are you doing there all the time?
I fit in.
Who are the two/three?
Haha. Of course you do! Er.
Brett and the drunken one. Maybe Marisa too.
...ok, I was thinking Amy and Sense, probably Shep as well, but I was depressed last night and there are probably more of them. Who else?
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