Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Indecision at #1

After my 4th viewing of Miami Vice, twice tonight where I stayed up till 6:50 AM watching it, I'm totally addicted and have fallen in love with it more than I did when I saw it theatrically. Mann has created what could be deemed as a lesser sequel to Heat, and I'm convinced now that it is his second best by far. The only film he didn't manage to entertain me in is Manhunter, but I ordered that from the lib and am checking it out later on this week. However, Marie Antoinette is equally as lovely. Might just all change after a 2nd viewing and maybe I'll go on a Marie Antoinette revision streak after its DVD release. Maybe I'll watch Vice again tomorrow night, depends on what else I have left in my cabinet. So what's my favorite of the year? Maybe Vice, maybe Marie, I don't know

Anyways, this is the closest race to my favorite film of the year ever. I've had clear favorites since.... 1955, 56?


golden_hawk said...

Manhunter's awesome, man... better than Lambs. And Marie's nowhere near as great as Vice. Now why don't ya try to elaborate on why ya liked Vice before you read anything other people said? Might help improve your film-reading skills. Just saying.

FREAK said...

Very difficult to take in? Hardly.

And nice advice, btw. Silence is definitely overrated, no question there.

Anonymous said...

Which is your #1 favorite of the year doesn't matter. The point is what you like about Marie/Vice and which you think will stand as your favorite longer. I don't have a certain favorite at all. If there's one, it's only special to me. Sometimes I like a comedy more than everything.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

is ok?

golden_hawk said...

Wise words, Shang. You're the man.

FREAK said...

Of course he's the man, he's Captain Li Shang of the Chinese army.

Anonymous said...

Who is Li Shang?