Saturday, December 02, 2006

My Top 35 In Technicolor

1. Casablanca

2. Vertigo

3. Lost in Translation

4. Heat

5. Rear Window

6. 2001: A Space Odyssey

7. Tokyo Story

8. 2046

9. Once Upon a Time in the West

10. Brief Encounter

11. The Rules of the Game

Uh oh, bad pic (12. La Dolce vita)

13. Hiroshima mon amour

14. Princess Mononoke

15. In the Mood For Love

16. Annie Hall

17. North By Northwest

18. Stranger Than Paradise

19. Ugetsu

20. Sunset Blvd.

21. Seven Samurai

22. Lawrence of Arabia

23. Blade Runner

24. Raging Bull

25. The Apartment

26. A.I. Artificial Intelligence

27. Fanny och Alexander

28. Pather Panchali

29. The Earrings of Madame de...

30. Marie Antoinette

31. The Best Years of Our Lives

32. It's a Wonderful Life

33. Ikiru

34. Sabrina

35. Star Wars


golden_hawk said...

Whoa, Free. That's a classy looking blog. Limited text width, though. Enlarge it.

The Gonch said...

Much cooler blog Freak. And a cool top35. It's all just too cool really.

But only one from Miyazaki? I thought you liked him more than that.

golden_hawk said...

If that's the real Sen, I'm hurt that she didn't address me too. *hurt that she didn't address me too*

FREAK said...

Miyazaki never had two movies in my top 35. He had two in my top 50 and still do, but another one in my top 100, but no more than that. Only 5 directors have 4 films in my top 100 I think, Hitchcock, Wilder, Wong, and Kubrick (maybe, but he has at least three).

Oh bird, what's the other Kubrick film that makes TBP's top 50 (besides Barrry + 2001)

FREAK said...

And Mann too.

Oh and you can't wide the text anymore, I don't think.

FREAK said...

To both of you, what picture do you like the best. That In the Mood For Love picture must be the best pic I've ever found on the web. And the Hiroshima mon amour poster is also killer.

golden_hawk said...

The one with God Hauer is obviously the best (not gay). Yeah, I like it how the In the Mood For Love one is framed, it says a lot about the characters and their relationship. You can see every individual pixel that comprises it too, but oh well.

Doctuh Strangelove? He's wrong, though, EWS is better.

golden_hawk said...

Course you can wide the text a little more, look at Undy's page. Oh, and my top 30 is better than your 35. And cooler. *not a pseudo*

FREAK said...

I spent half the night trying to expand the page.

The Gonch said...

I like the Casablanca poster!! Also the two Wongs are great.

And Freak's top 35 is better than your top 30 golden_hawk. I haven't seen most of yours, so they must suck. Haha, I'm so witty.

FREAK said...

Sen is officially Caz [laughs secretly]. I heart you.

I dropped a few random lines on your blog, nothing much, but it's still invisible for some reason.

The Gonch said...

Aww thanks. It's cool to be Cazzie.

And I replied to your comment on my blog. But my blog sucks, so you really don't have to comment on it. It's for my own benefit rather than other people's.

golden_hawk said...

You should acquaint yourself with my masterpieces, Sen. Tower of Death is genius. And Fwee, Tarkovsky a favourite of yours? What have you seen by him?

golden_hawk said...

Ask Undy, she'll know how to expand the page...

FREAK said...

Oh and sen, I concur with the 2046 picture. I have a total obsession with the android in 2046.

golden_hawk said...

answer me, you lsr

The Gonch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Gonch said...

So you like androids in red dresses?
Click here here for gorgeousness, and here for lots of red.

FREAK said...

Mucho Gracias. Can't enough to Faye. One shot of 2046 is better than some feature films. Some say the film is too overdone? pff... that was the point. Goodfellas and Raging Bull were both kind of overstylized themselves.

Who deleted the other comment?

golden_hawk said...

You don't know us, Sen and I, if you can't answer that question yourself.

FREAK said...

Quiet, weirdo or I'm not paying to watch Rocky Balboa.

golden_hawk said...

Rocky Balboa, Rocky Balboa, Rocky Balboa, Rocky Balboa, Rocky Balboa, Rocky Balboa, Rocky Balboa, Rocky Balboa, Rocky Balboa, Rocky Balboa, Rocky Balboa, Rocky Balboa.

golden_hawk said...

É que hoje acordei e lembrei-me que sou mago feiticeiro. Que a minha bola de cristal é folha de papel. E nela te pinto nua. Nua, numa chama minha e tua. Numa chama minha e tua.

Anonymous said...

Ugly and wrong poster of Pather Panchali. It's like Aparajito's.

FREAK said...

I didn't even realize there was another post here, but you're wrong shang, that's a picture from Pather Panchali. Apu is slightly older in Aparajito even in the beginning, I think they had a different actor to play him in it.