Monday, March 12, 2007

5 and 5

The five that I must see:
1. My Blueberry Nights
2. Summer Palace
3. Arms and the Man
4. Le Ballon Rouge
5. The Age of Tattoo

Five will see, but not THAT excited for:
6. Spider Man 3
7. Silk
8. Sunshine
9. Cassandra's Dream
10. She Ji


shang said...

The Age of Tattoo? His best didn't even make your '04 and '06 list. But anyway I'm glad to see him on your director list.

FREAK said...

You don't know my list yet though.

Also, why the hell did you delete your account?

The Gonch said...

You should do a must see list of all time.

And you should be excited about Paranoid Park. Because I am.

Cloak said...

Van Sant + Doyle = 'should be your most anticipated.'


shang said...

I'm just tired of the IMDB community. I hadn't deleted it because I wasn't familiar with it. Such a dark version of La Dolce Vita.

And just noticed our director list's similarity was 16/30 (17/30 if Mizoguchi does it for me with 2 films I'm going to watch), which is great. But then I have something against Zhang and Bergman.

FREAK said...

Ok, I get Bergman, but how can you have something against Zhang?

I do agree that imdb can get tedious. Do what I do. Spend one or two hours everyday pretending I want to screw everyone. But, you're still lurking, what's your new name?

shang said...

Because of his immature attempt of Wuxia (or maybe it's never an attempt). Once you see his early films, you understand my point. His recent work is nothing but great cinematography. They're just too superficial compared to his early work. And you know I don't like his recent drama at all.

I have voted in CFB poll, you know who is me, but I won't post much on the boards.