Thursday, March 01, 2007

Semester update

Overall, an ok semester, still I'm ready to get out of this small college I got railed into this semester because I got screwed over by registration. Doesn't affect me much and I actually think this is a good experience, it's just that I naturally lust over a break or the end of the semester or something and am brought down to knees when introduced a study abroad catalogue or a petroleum engineering catalogue or anything indicating a bright future.

Here's some new thoughts that have progressed as a result of my second semester of college:

- College is life. Who cares how long it takes to graduate. I cared in high school. Don't care a bit now. Whatever it takes.

- Classes are more useless now. Independent study is the way to go. I sleep through lectures and still get As. Anyways, I find books more informative than teachers.

- Procrastination succeeds again. After that theory which I promised to debunk during my first semester of college and succeeded, I have recovered it again. Whatever, long spread out studying is not always helpful. You have to go back and review stuff you forgot. Cramming is for masochist, but masochism is fun. What's ultimately important is you review and understand everything. The only time you can be prompted to study is when you feel the test coming up.

- Consistently looking for opportunities. Studying abroad is something I will do when I graduate. No doubt about it. Right now, I like to imagine that there's somewhere I can go. It'll come. And the petroleum school for the spring of 08 I'm banking I'll get in. Opportunities are what college is about. Right now, all I want to do is change a routine, which explains my desire to leave this college.

- Savor the time. I am not wasting one summer in college. The winter break, of 36 days, where I resulted to doing nothing again, pretty much convinced me that I will take classes this summer. I'm even thinking of taking winter classes next semester, either way, I loathe doing nothing, that was fun in high school, but in college it's not. So I'm thinking 1st semester - classes. 2nd semester - volunteer for the 08 olympics. 3rd semester and on - internship, if not then classes again. I like to get my credits fast.

P.S. TBP talks about his personal life. Alot.


~*~Snappz~*~ said...

So true! Love your perspective on studying :o)

FREAK said...

Hey I don't know you! I bet you're sexy though.

So.. introduce yourself.