Wednesday, December 27, 2006

This is the stuff Oscars are made of

"Michael Mann's Miami Vice was terrible and the biggest flop in history: it has nothing to do with the TV show; Mann was just looking to cash in and make nice summer money; the obvious add placement for mojitos is just terrible; the film looks like it was shot on a cellphone and uses too much zooms that shake; it completely misses the real Miami and is dirty, grainy, and dark; the editing is choppy; Colin is soooo bad--he looks like he just shot a porn, is fat, and has greasy hair and a nasty mustache; there's no brotherliness between Farrell and Foxx; there's too much sex; Gong can't speak english; the dialogue is awful and repetitive; Archangel is such a dumb name; they should have called it Bad Boys 3, but there's really only one shootout--it's not even good enough for that name. " Mr_Chopin


Anonymous said...

{T:} Miami Vice is the sex.

massromanticrights said...

TV version > Movie version.

No contest.

golden_hawk said...

Apples and oranges. They're not different versions, they're different works entirely. Hobo.

massromanticrights said...

Don Johnson > Colin Farrell, whose name's spelling I don't care to check. The end.

golden_hawk said...

Too bad you got it right..... it just doesn't have the same effect that way.

Anonymous said...

The film was highly underrated by most people but also highly overrated by Chopin.

golden_hawk said...

Lol, by Chopin? Freak and I rate it as high as he duz.

FREAK said...



Cloak says it's much better than United 93 and Babel. There's our fanbase.

FREAK said...

And and shang also if he wants. Just so everyone knows it's superior to United 93. That's kind of like... a fact.

golden_hawk said...

And Fuk, wherever he is these days.

FREAK said...

Oh yeh. I updated my blog profile, your gayness.

golden_hawk said...

"40. Miami Vice (Michael Mann, 2006)"

Is that it?

golden_hawk said...

Love the sesame street theme. Was I obsessed with it when I was young!

FREAK said...

My blog profile, you neanderthal

golden_hawk said...

You might want to delete that cause it makes you look dumb.

FREAK said...

I just feel like insulting you.

golden_hawk said...

The Vice thing was a side comment. Answer. Wasn't last night's viewing as good as the previous ones?

Anonymous said...

Chopin likes it more

FREAK said...

Yes. It deserves a higher spot than 40 actually. I just can't put it above 36-39, those are just too lovely.

golden_hawk said...

Ok, shang.

golden_hawk said...

Which means you still prefer Marie. Loser.

FREAK said...

Who cares? Bomo. They're just rankings. How the hell do I link up my friend's pages on my profile?

RomanticRights is my stooge.... LOL.

golden_hawk said...

Which pages. Can you even do that?

golden_hawk said...

Ask Und. And the RR thing ain't funny.

golden_hawk said...

*Collateral nightclub scene music*

Anonymous said...

I swear this is my second reply on the thread...Anyone that imitates me must die.

massromanticrights said...

Babel IS better than Miami Vice. Good night.

Anonymous said...

Your soul is mine.

golden_hawk said...

And I'll be watching Baybl later this week, so we'll see.

golden_hawk said...

Freak's in love with his own Dreamgilis review.

golden_hawk said...

Write one on Vice, dummo. *bed*

FREAK said...

Ugh, you're such an idiot. It's a competition and I've posted it only once on another thread. It's not like Nick doesn't flash every review he writes.

And I told you to come on MSN. Where are you?

golden_hawk said...

Ya know what "bed" means, don't you?

massromanticrights said...

Dreamgilis = genius.

massromanticrights said...

Babel is better than Miami Vice. And Ignrant French Queen. And the Waterfountain.